mrtg - problem

Simon Tomazic simon at
Sat Oct 13 21:21:23 CEST 2001

Imam težavo konfigov ne morem kreirat ker mi pravi da ima neke težave,
kot se vidi spodaj.
Za pinganje imam perl scripto mrtg-ping-probe, to mi lepo dela.
SNMP imam nameščen, prosim za pomoč.

SNMP Error:
no response received
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "" [].161)
                  community: "public"
                 request ID: 1229568349
                PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                    timeout: 2s
                    retries: 5
                    backoff: 1)
 at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/ line 450
SNMPGET Problem for ifInOctets.2 ifOutOctets.2 sysUptime sysName on public at
 at /usr/local/bin/mrtg line 1485



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