[LUGOS] KDE in iso2 fonti

Roman Maurer roman.maurer at amis.net
Sat Nov 24 16:49:43 CET 2001

Matej Zerovnik - LeVaK je 28. oktobra 2001 napisal:
> Rešil problem... V KDE ne smeš imeti uklopljen font aliasing... al
> kako se že reče tistemu glajenju

KDE 2.2.1 v RH 7.2 pravilno prikazuje šumnike z Microsoftovimi
pisavami TrueType.  Pobrati jih moraš posebej, ker licenca ne
dovoljuje, da bi jih zapekli na CD.  Na spodnje sporočilo me je
opozoril Aleš Košir.

Ko pisave namestiš, lahko v nadzornem središču spet vključiš glajenje
pisav, namesto Helvetice pa uporabi Arial.  V Konquerorju moraš to
storiti še posebej.

------ Posredovano sporočilo: ------
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 19:49:26 -0500
From: Devon <devon at tuxfan.homeip.net>
To: redhat-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: Red Hat 7.2: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

On Thursday 22 November 2001 07:34 pm, Green, Aaron wrote:
> question about the fonts part.  Those aren't automaticly installed? 
> What's in KDE 2.2.1 then, those fonts look pretty smooth.  And would
> installing that package help Gnome look a bit better?

> > Then automate the installation of some true type fonts. :)
> >
> > http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/rpms/xf86ttfontool-0.1-6.i386.rpm

The above rpm installs a script called fetchmsttfonts (as well as a 
utility to extract  MS .cab files). When run, it downloads Microsoft's 
true type web fonts, extracts them, installs them, and adds them to the 
fontservers path. 

I've found them useful. Additionally, the commands in the script can just 
as easily be used as a guideline for installing additional truetype fonts.

- -D

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