[ LUGOS ] postfix + amavis + problem

Gasper Furman merjasec at skavt.net
Thu Mar 1 12:50:10 CET 2001


Imam en problem in sicer: imam masino na kateri lavfata dva postfix
serverja (tako kot rabis imet za amavis), ki si med seboj mal podajata
maile in jih skenirata in dostavljata. Vse lepo in prav, vendar je sedaj
prislo do problema, ko se recimo poslje mail na eno mailing listo, ki ima
okol 600 userjev gor, vecina jih je na lokalni masini in imajo ustimane
preumeritve na razne gsme. Prilagam okrnjen log.

Mar  1 12:23:12 kmet postfix/qmgr[28287]: 9044C67652: from=<majordomo at ovca.org>, size=2170, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Mar  1 12:23:21 kmet postfix/local[28373]: 9044C67652: to=<user1 at ovca.org>, relay=local, delay=121, status=sent (mailbox)
Mar  1 12:23:21 kmet postfix/local[28373]: 9044C67652: to=<user2 at ovca.org>, relay=local, delay=121, status=sent (mailbox)
Mar  1 12:23:21 kmet postfix/local[28373]: 9044C67652: to=<user3 at ovca.org>, relay=local, delay=121, status=sent (mailbox)
Mar  1 12:23:22 kmet postfix/local[28373]: warning: cannot open file /home/./user200/.forward: Too many open files
Mar  1 12:23:22 kmet postfix/local[28373]: fatal: socket: Too many open files
Mar  1 12:23:23 kmet postfix/cleanup[28422]: warning: end of input while receiving integer data from service unknown_stream

Problem je v tem, ker se to zlomi in mi potem cez nekaj casa spet poslje
vse to in dejansko to izgleda tako, da uporabnik dobi kar nekaj mailov z
isto vsebino. A mi lahko kdo pomaga?

"You can do this in a number of ways.  IBM chose to do all of them.
Why do you find that funny?"
		-- D. Taylor, Computer Science 350

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