U.S. Internet Patents to be Enforced in EU?

Andraz Tori andraz.tori1 at guest.arnes.si
Wed Jun 6 01:02:39 CEST 2001

 EuroLinux Alliance / petition.EuroLinux.org

   Paris. 2001-06-05. The draft Hague Convention is to be revised from
   June 6th. The Hague Convention defines a set of provisions for the
   execution of foreign judgements in the event of international
   disputes. Current drafts include industrial property and intellectual
   property within the potential scope of the proposed Convention. If
   current draft were approved, the Hague Convention would eventually

      1.to enforce US Internet patents in EU;

      2.to enforce non-EU laws in order to censor EU Internet web sites.

A researcher who publishes on a EU server an article on the weaknesses
   of encryption techniques used in the media industry (ex. CSS, SDMI,
   etc.) could be sued in the US for infringing the Digital Millenium
   Copyright Act. A US judge could decide that this EU researcher should
   block access to its research article to all US citizens. Under the
   current draft of the Hague Convention, such a  judgement would be
   enforceable in the EU.

kakršnakoli podobnost z železno zaveso je zgolj naključna.


tudi slovenija _JE ZRAVEN_

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, somebody stop them!
te evropske kretenoidne birokrate bi bilo treba stradati brez hrane in
vode dokler ne priznajo da niso vretenčarji in da so cisto navadni
amerisko-kapitalistični sužnji. ok pretiravam, ampak ko bi jih ene par
obdelal bi jih izučil in bi začeli tudi _MISLIT_ kaj delajo.

človek bi kaj takega pričakoval od kakšne KP kitajske, ne pa zda in eu.
k vragu z EU, če mislijo takšne počet.

LEp Pozdrav
Andraž Tori

še enkrat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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