[ LUGOS ] apache tip

Borut Mrak b at aufbix.org
Thu Aug 16 13:25:03 CEST 2001

On Thursday 16 August 2001 13:25, Uros Gruber wrote:
> In  kako  ga  bos potem uporabil. Poskusi pa bos videl da ne
> gre.  js-ji se morajo dat brat vsem, ker drugac ga mal tesko
> izvedes.

Kot sem povedal v prejsnjem mailu, napisal sem tocen odgovor na 

V real life-u pa preveris referrer header. Ampak to je bolj 
tko...useless, vsakdo lahko obide tako "zascito".


b at aufbix.org
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that
heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "Hmmm. That's
funny..."' - Isaac Asimov

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