omejevanje stevila prejemnikov na

Borut Mrak borut.mrak at
Thu Aug 2 13:22:03 CEST 2001


Vceraj sem v mojih logih zacel opazati tole:

Aug  1 21:36:52 fo postfix/smtp[27049]: 7DEDE8017: 
to=<gape.korn at>,[], 
delay=21855, status=deferred (host[] said: 
421 20 recipients (or over) in message is considered as SPAM. 
Connection dropped)

Naj vas opomnim, da vasi uporabniki, ki so prijavljeni na razne mailing 
liste ne bo dobilo maila, ki bi ga morali.

Po RFC821 mora implementacija SMTP protokola sprejeti vsaj 100 
naslovnikov na sporocilo (Odstavek 4.5.3, recipients buffer) oz. po 
novejsem RFC2821:

4.5.3 Sizes and Timeouts Size limits and minimums

   There are several objects that have required minimum/maximum sizes.
   Every implementation MUST be able to receive objects of at least
   these sizes.  Objects larger than these sizes SHOULD be avoided when
   possible.  However, some Internet mail constructs such as encoded
   X.400 addresses [16] will often require larger objects: clients MAY
   attempt to transmit these, but MUST be prepared for a server to
   reject them if they cannot be handled by it.  To the maximum extent
   possible, implementation techniques which impose no limits on the
   length of these objects should be used.
recipients buffer
      The minimum total number of recipients that must be buffered is
      100 recipients.  Rejection of messages (for excessive recipients)
      with fewer than 100 RCPT commands is a violation of this
      specification. [snip] A client that needs to
      deliver a message containing over 100 RCPT commands SHOULD be
      prepared to transmit in 100-recipient "chunks" if the server
      declines to accept more than 100 recipients in a single message.

Jaz na nasem postnem strezniku ne bom zmanjsal stevila naslovnikov, ki 
jih posilja naenkrat, ker se bo zaradi tega zmanjsala hitrost dostave 
drugim domenam z veliko uporabniki, za Siol pa ne mislim delati izjeme. 
V primeru, da te nastavitve ne boste spremenili, bom pac prisiljen 
odjaviti vse uporabnike in jim svetovati, naj odidejo k ponudniku, ki 
ima vec posluha za upostevanje standardov.

Naj vam se zagotovim, da popolnoma podpiram vas boj proti spam-u, 
vendar neupostevanje standardov ni pravi nacin. Mogoce bi lahko najprej 
odgovarjali na abuse reporte, ki sem jih pred casom posiljal tudi sam, 
a sem se navelical, ker nikoli ni bilo odgovora, spammerji s siolovih 
dialupov in kabelskih omrezij v Siol-ovem AS#-u pa se kar lepo smetijo 
moje in mailboxe mojih uporabnikov.


borut.mrak at
Life is like a penis: when it's soft you can't beat it, and when it's 
hard you get fucked.

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