[ ADMINISTRATIVIA ] Re: [ LUGOS ] tezave z listo

Bostjan Muller neonatus at neonatus.net
Wed Dec 27 17:45:31 CET 2000

* On 27-12-00 at 17:40 Borut Mrak (borut.mrak at ijs.si) wrote:
+----Here quoted text begins----+
>      66                                          neonatus at neonatus.net
> neonatus.net (podobno kot prvi primer, tega poznam osebno in, kako bi to
> lepo povedal, ima brain damaged konfiguracijo name serverjev)
+----and here the quote ends----+
Se opravicujem za nevsecnosti, problem je odpravljen, hvala Cha0S-u in niet-u
za pomoc.

Boštjan Müller [NEONATUS], neonatus at neonatus.net, http://neonatus.net/~neonatus
For my PGP key finger: neonatus at neonatus.net, RSA id: 0x90178DBD, ICQ #:7506644
    Celular: +386(0)41243189, Powered by Debian GNU/LiNUX , Student of VFUL
		One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor

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