Borut Mrak borut.mrak at ijs.si
Sun Dec 17 23:33:42 CET 2000

On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 05:09:28PM +1100, Saso wrote:
> SiOL CERT <cert at siol.net>

A od tam kdaj kaj pride nazaj? Tko, vsaj auto-ignore message bi pricakoval.
Vsaj z abuse at siol.net nikoli ni odgovora (poizkusil parkrat, se ko je bil
Siol moj provider, potem obupal), na cert@ pa nisem nikoli pisal.


borut.mrak at ijs.si
I would like to shake the hand of the man who first decided that
e-mail clients should slice, dice and run arbitrary programs.
Then I'd like to stir, blend and puree his hand. -- J.D. Baldwin

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