[ LUGOS ] informix & Linux

Mitja Zabukovec mitja.zabukovec at mais.si
Wed Dec 6 17:57:15 CET 2000


tole sprašuje kolega iz informix liste: 

At risk of being flamed as an RTFM or SIOYA, and confessing to 
not knowing a great deal about Linux coming from an RS/6000 AIX 
background, I got back from leave today to find an unexpected 
corporate re-think.

I am told that a task that was being aimed at a:
4 processor RS/6000, AIX, Informix IDS 7.31 client-server, 1 Gb 
memory, 75 Gb (with probable expansion to 5 times that) 
database, 30 users

is now being aimed at a:
Dell PowerEdge pentium 3, Informix IDS, Linux Red Hat...

Immediate questions in my head (other than 'please can I go back 
on leave'):

1) Is this remotely viable on a PC under Linux?
2) How big can Linux handle? I know akin to 'how long is a piece of 
string?' But is an application of 30 users into a 300 Gb database 
relatively small, medium or approaching limits for a PC based Linux 
3) Any ideas of real application sizes of Informix on Linux 
successfully in the real world?
4) Any particularly nasty holes/experiences I need to watch out for?

Lahko kdo kaj pove na to temo ?


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