RE: [LUGOS-BLA] SiOL računi

Rok r at
Thu May 4 00:37:28 CEST 2006

> "Prosimo, da preverite vaše nastavitve, saj od vašega 
> poštnega strežnika dobimo nazaj napako (As part of the 
> delivery process, your message was relayed to a machine which 
> does not handle delivery status notifications. As a result, 
> it is not possible to determine whether the message will get 
> to its final destination.)"
> Niti ne najdem ničesar v logih (mogoče ker niti ne vem kaj iskat).
> Kakšen hint?

Ocitno rabijo DNS za dostavo... Prakticno je to reply, da je bila posta
dostavljena. zgleda pa nekako takole:
Your message

  To:      aaa at
  Subject: bla bla bla
  Sent:    Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:47:25 +0100

was delivered to the following recipient(s):

XXXX on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:47:37 +0100
    < #2.0.0>

preberi si vec o tem na (predvidevam da uporabljas postfix)

lp, rok.

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