[LUGOS] Problemi z domeno

Rok r at rula.net
Mon Oct 4 15:31:34 CEST 2004

> yep... omenjeno tudi v  http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2821.html
> "If   no MX records are found, but an A RR is found, the A RR
> is treated as
> if it was associated with an implicit MX RR, with a
> preference of 0, pointing
> to that host. "
> bom drugace povedal:
> MX prioriteta/vrednost  naj ne bi bila 0.

Js iz tega prebiram samo to, da ce ni MX zapisov, in A zapis obstaja, potem se A
smatra kot MX s preferenco 0, in kaze na tisti A zapis.
Nikjer ne pise, da MX prioriteta naj nebi bila ali nebi smela biti 0.

V RFC-974 pise tocno takole...
   Each MX matches a domain name with two pieces of data, a
   preference value (an unsigned 16-bit integer), and the name of a

in kolikor se js spoznam na tipe spremenljivk iz c-ja, pomeni 16 bitni unsigned
integer vsa naravna stevila med 0 in 65535;
torej 0,1,2,3,4,...,65535
65536 pa ne spravis vec v 16 bitov.
in katera je prva cifra? 0

lp, jst.

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