
Jernej Simončič jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
Wed Feb 12 21:56:11 CET 2003

Hello Miha,
12. februar 2003, 20:24:35, you wrote:

> Tole ima en model za signature:

>  -- 
> I do not get viruses because I do not use MS software.
> If you use Outlook then please do not put my email address in your
> address-book so that WHEN you get a virus it won't use my address in the
> From field.

Na mestu bi bilo še opozorilo vsem skrbnikom poštnih strežnikov naj
onesposobijo avtomatičen odgovor v primeru virusa - Klez se je dvakrat
poslal na Yahoojeve mailing liste z mojim naslovom nakar sem se cel teden
utaplal v sporočilih "You have a virus!"...

Jernej Simoncic, jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
ICQ: 26266467

Whenever one word or letter can change the entire meaning of a
sentence, the probability of an error being made will be in direct
proportion to the embarrassment it will cause.
       -- Considine's Law

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