[ LUGOS ] Problemi z DNS

Ernest Zejn ernest na zejn.si
Pet Dec 18 16:52:29 CET 1998


    pa kje imas filete, ki sm ti jih napisal??

BTW: na GC-ju cakas kar nekaj casa (cca. 2 dni) za update-e...


Name: Ernest Zejn ¦ E-mail: ernest na zejn.si ¦ WWW: www.zejn.si
Tel:   +386 41 706-549 ¦ Tel2: +386 64 862-311 ¦ Fax:  +386 64 864-337

-----Original Message-----
From: andy <andy na here.ml.org>
To: lugos-list na lugos.si <lugos-list na lugos.si>
Date: 17. december 1998 18:26
Subject: [ LUGOS ] Problemi z DNS

>Sedaj sem se odlocil da bom uporabil public DNS servis od Granite Canyon
>Group, pa imam malce probleme, ki verjetno kazejo na to da nimam pojma o
>tem kaj so sploh tisti recordi v dns konfiguraciji.
>Odlocil sem se da mi bodo oni igrali vlogo primarca in secundarca.
>Torej registriral sem domeno pri interNIC, registriral DNS na GC in
>sedaj nic ne dela, ceprav je domena na whois vidna in pri GC se da
>videti zadevo. Ce se logiram z nslookup mi javi error ce hocem pogledati
>domeno, ping pa mi vrne Host name lookup failure.
>Tole je moj konfiguracijski file:
>(domena je x0.org)
>; Name Servers
>x0.org.  IN  NS ns1.granitecanyon.com.
>x0.org.  IN  NS ns2.granitecanyon.com.
>; multiple RP records authorize others to submit zone changes
>; from the email address in the first field after the RP
>; This email address is in DNS-email format. That is,
>; the '@' (at-sign) is replaced by '.' (dot or period.)
>x0.org.  IN  RP andy.nekje.si. Andrej.Cedilnik.x0.org.
>Andrej.Cedilnik.x0.org. IN TXT "Andrej Cedilnik http://andy.x0.org"
>; addresses for the canonical names
>; Many emailers expect the name localhost to exist
>; in a domain with this specific, reserved address.
>; 127/8 or 127/ is the address of LOOPBACK-NET
>; is reserved to mean this host on the LOOPBACK-NET
>localhost.x0.org.   IN  A
>; an address for the zone itself
>x0.org. IN A <primarniIP>
>andy.x0.org. IN CNAME  x0.org.
>dean.x0.org. IN CNAME  x0.org.
>marjeta.x0.org. IN CNAME  x0.org.
>here.x0.org. IN CNAME  x0.org.
>kravica.x0.org. IN A <enDrugIp>
>bogo.x0.org. IN A <enTretjiIP>
>; Aliases
>; These create a nickname or alias for another name known
>; to the DNS, the canonical name, hence CNAME. No other
>; records may exist with a name the same as this alias.
>; 'Java' is an alias for the canonical name, 'Navy.'
>www.x0.org.  IN  CNAME  x0.org.
>www.andy.x0.org. IN CNAME andy.x0.org.
>; MX records
>; These direct mail delivery agents, like sendmail,
>; at hosts which have agreed to accept email for us.
>; This assumes that we've arranged with tea.com and
>; uu.net to provide this email service for us in
>; advance for coffee.com.
>; The token 'EXTREF' directs nslint to allow external references.
>; The token 'GLOBALOK' directs nslint to allow global records.
>; global MX records for unspecified members of the zone
>*.x0.org.     IN  MX  10  x0.org. ; GLOBALOK
>A ima kdo kaksno idejo kje sem zamocil?
> Andy

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